Legal Notice

Voss Edelstahlhandel GmbH & Co. KG
Lessingstrasse 39

DE 21629 Neu Wulmstorf, Germany

Telephone: +49 (0) 40 / 70 01 65 -0
Fax: +49 (0) 40 / 70 01 65 -80

Managing directors:

Markus Fischer, Marc Steffen

Commercial register: Tostedt HRB 2179
Sales tax ID no.: DE 812 036 760
Tax no.:15/206/03603

Concept & technical implementation

team;iken kommunikation
Stockenkamp 13b
D-27793 Wildeshausen


Voss Edelstahl GmbH & CO. KG
Shutterstock Inc.

Liability waiver

Content of online services

The author and Voss Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG accept no liability whatsoever for the currency, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Unless the author has acted with demonstrable malice or gross negligence, any liability claims brought against the author for material or other loss caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are hereby excluded. All services are offered as non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, enhance or delete parts of the website or the entirety of its online service without notice and to temporarily or permanently cease publication thereof.

References and links

For direct and indirect references to external websites (hyperlinks) that are beyond the control of the author, liability will be accepted solely in cases where the author was aware of the content and, where the content is unlawful, it was possible and feasible for the author to prevent its use. The author hereby expressly states that, at the time the links were created, it was not aware of any unlawful content on the linked-to websites. The author has no influence on the current and future versions of the linked-to websites, their content or the copyright that applies to them. It therefore expressly rejects any connection with any content on the linked-to websites that was changed after the links were created. This rejection applies to all links and references created within our own online service and to all third-party contributions to guestbooks, discussion forums, link directories and mailing lists set up by the author and to all other forms of database whose content is open to external access. Liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and especially for loss from the use or non-use of such information shall be solely that of the provider of the website referred to and not that of the party who simply refers to such content via links.

Copyright and trademark law

In all its publications, the author has made every effort to observe the copyright of the images, sound files, video sequences and texts used and to use images, sound files, video sequences and texts that it has itself created or that are licence-free. All trademarks and logos used within our online offering and that are protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of applicable trademark law and to the property rights of their registered owners. Reference to a trademark should not be taken to imply that the trademark is not protected by third-party rights. Copyright over published content that the author has itself created is retained solely by the author of the website. No images, sound files, video sequences or texts may be reproduced or used in other electronic or printed publications without the author's express permission.

Data protection

Where within our online service there is an option to provide personal or commercial data (email addresses, names, addresses etc.), such data is provided by the user on an expressly voluntary basis. As far as is technically possible and feasible, all services can be used and paid for without the provision of such data or by using anonymous data or a pseudonym. The use by third parties of contact details published under Company Information or elsewhere (e.g. information such as postal addresses, phone and fax numbers and email addresses), where such use is for the sending of information not expressly requested, is prohibited. We expressly reserve the right to take legal action against the senders of spam email in breach of this prohibition.

We further refer to our data protection guidelines.

Validity of this liability waiver

This liability waiver should be seen as part of our online service, in which reference has been made to this page. Should parts or individual formulations of this text fail or cease to conform to the applicable laws either wholly or partly, the content and validity of the remainder of the document shall remain unaffected.

Consegniamo in poche ore quello che altri non hanno mai avuto a magazzino.
Per garantire che questo sia possibile sul piano logistico disponiamo di 12 filiali in Europa. Dalla Spagna all’Inghilterra, dalla Francia fino alla Polonia e con le radici ad Amburgo, nella Germania del nord. Dopotutto gli anseatici se ne intendono di commercio!

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12 filiali in Europa

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